Accelerating integration

Accelerating integration

REC Innovation - Programme Programme


Context and issues

The Ile-de-France region is home to a great range of economic and social disparity.
Insertion structures through economic activity (IAE) allow the people in unstable situations (difficulties due to health or age-related problems, social situations, etc) to benefit from a support network that will facilitate their professional reintegration.

Since 2010, REC has accompanied IAE companies and thoroughly understand the concerns of their managers and directors. They express the need for time to create innovative strategies that will succeed in the long term. They are yearning to take a reflect creatively around these issues in order to build durable ecosystems and are eager to avoid short term solutions that breed insecurity. This is why REC Innovation created an acceleration programme in 2015 which is wholly dedicated to such individuals. Originally named “E puissance 4”, 20 laureates were accompanied thanks to the programme in 2015 and 2017. From 2018 onwards, the programme has been renamed REC Accélération

Key Stages


Selection of winners in reflection of their projects and issues
½ day

Deciding strategy

An interview that will analyse your business and outline it’s needs
½ day

Custom-made support

By REC Innovation experts
Numerous support meetings

Collective workshops

By REC Innovation experts
Numerous support meetings


Network boosting events
1 day
Fields of action
Strategic, financial and legal support
Help researching partners and patrons
Social clause & sustainable purchasing
Event based promotion for IAE companies
Possibility to be mentored

At least 1 year of practice
A development project in or soon to be in action
More than 300,000 euros annual budget

Take a look at the photos from Emmaüs Coup de Main and Baluchon during their participation in the E puissance 4 Programme

Key Stages

Feedback from the laureates…

From 2015, dozens of companies have been supported by the programme

REC Innovation - Réseau d'entrepreneurs
REC Innovation - Réseau d'entrepreneurs

The project that I submitted to E puissance 4 concerned the development of a network of operators specialising in the reuse of toys. The in-depth technical support that was offered enable the future network of this sector to take form

Claire Tournefier - Rejoué

We are accompanied by legal advisors who shed light upon the structure of our social organisation so that we can develop on firm foundations

Mathilde Lagrange - Régie de quartier de Stains
REC Innovation - Réseau d'entrepreneurs
REC Innovation - Réseau d'entrepreneurs

Driven by:

Programme REC Développement

Financed by:

Programme REC Développement
Programme REC Développement

In partnership with:

Programme REC Développement
Programme REC Développement
Programme REC Développement
Programme REC Développement